
Mircro dermabrasion
Microdermabrasion is a cosmetic treatment in which aluminium oxide exfoliant crystals are sprayed onto the skin and simultaneously vacuumed back up. Think of this as rubbing the skin with a high-powered scrub while sucking away the dead outer layer (dead epidermal cells) of the skin. The result is young, fresh, smooth and glowing skin.

It is a prevalent skin treatment performed under the supervision of a dermatologist at our skin & hair clinics. If you’ve never had a microdermabrasion treatment before, you probably wonder how well your skin responds to the procedure. Like, does it hurt? How long, and how many sessions etc.

What happens during the microdermabrasion session?

In microdermabrasion, tiny crystals are sprayed onto the skin to remove your skin’s outer layer gently. The procedure stimulates collagen production to restore elasticity, unclogs pores and congestion to reduce acne, blackheads and breakouts.

It is a skin rejuvenation procedure that leaves skin looking young, fresh, smooth and glowing. Microdermabrasion is less aggressive than dermabrasion, so you don’t need numbing medicine.

Microdermabrasion benefits

Microdermabrasion treatment helps to reduce wrinkles, fine lines on the facial area, age spots, acne scars, sun spots, post-traumatic scars, and other blemishes occurring naturally. Microdermabrasion effectively lessens age-related damage of skin due to sun exposure or trauma.

In short, the procedure helps people who have:

  • Wrinkles, fine lines & age spots
  • Acne & Chicken-pox scars
  • Stretch marks of pregnancy
  • Post-traumatic scars
  • Black & whiteheads
  • Oily Skin

Does microdermabrasion hurt?

No, it doesn’t. The thought of having exfoliated crystals shot on your facial skin seems brutal. No, it isn’t as bad as it sounds. Most people liken it to a gritty facial massage. And it isn’t painful at all.

Moreover, microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure and requires no anaesthesia. However, there might be mild discomfort for a few patients while going through this procedure, but no pain. If you feel your nurse being a bit heavy handing on the skin, let them know.

How often to get microdermabrasion?

Usually, multiple treatments (10 to 15 sessions or sittings) are recommended to see a significant improvement. Our skin typically regenerates at roughly 30-day intervals; hence, most patients come in for maintenance sessions. However, every person’s skin is different, and your results may last longer than 30 days.

Which is better, microdermabrasion or microneedling?

Microdermabrasion is best for treating clogged pores, dull skin, and blackheads, whereas microneedling is excellent for treating acne scarring, stretch marks, lines, and wrinkles. Your dermatologist may even combine microdermabrasion with chemical peels or laser skin resurfacing to obtain the best results.

Microdermabrasion results after one treatment session

Usually, one can expect to see noticeable results immediately after the first procedure. Patients feel well and comfortable after the first session itself, and they can resume their daily activities immediately.

There is little to no downtime after the microdermabrasion session. It is recommended to keep your skin hydrated and protect your skin with sunscreen at least for a day after the treatment.

Your dermatologist may advise you on the number of maintenance sessions needed. However, it will depend on the severity of your skin concerns as well as your expectations.

Is the treatment expensive?

Microdermabrasion is a simple procedure, and so it’s affordable to ordinary people. Our fee is very minimal compared to other centres of its kind.


Before Micro Dermabrasion


After Micro Dermabrasion