What is microblading?

Microblading is a cosmetic procedure to create a natural and pleasing-looking eyebrow. It’s an easy method to enhance eyebrows compared to your eyebrow pencils.

In this treatment, tiny cuts are made on the upper layer of skin to deposit the pigment (dye) as in tattooing. It is a semi-permanent procedure, also known as feathering or micro stroking.

What is the procedure?

Microblading is done using a pen-like instrument attached to a tiny blade (microblade). These blades are used to create fine lines or strokes which resemble eyebrow hairs.

It can also be done using a machine with needles attached to it. These needles will not penetrate the skin; instead, they will scratch the surface; hence the pigment will not stay permanently similar to a tattoo. Microblading is often combined with micro shading.


How long will it take?

After applying the topical anaesthetic cream, a few tiny cuts are made on the eyebrows. The first microblading session will take 60-90 minutes.

Is it painful?

No, the procedure is done by an experienced person under local anaesthetic cream. But minimal discomfort can occur after the procedure.

How will the treated area look like after microblading?

  • Skin will look red and swollen immediately after the procedure, which lasts for a day.
  • The skin will look dark, peeling off within 7-10 days. The colour may look faded at this stage, but it will be revealed by the end of the first month. Hence touch up is advised at that time.

How to take care of the treated area after microblading?

  • Gently wash with soap and water twice daily from the next day onwards.
  • Avoid frequent face wash and also avoid excess oil build-up.
  • An anti-inflammatory and antibiotic cream needs to be applied for 3-5 days.
  • Protect the skin from excess sun exposure.
  • Avoid picking and scratching the area when it’s healing.
  • How often should I get microblading?
  • The pigmentation will last for 18-24 months. But it varies from person to person. If you have oily skin, the effects won’t last for an extended period.
  • A touch up is advised every 6-8 months.
  • Does microblading work for everyone?
  • No, People with healthy skin over the eyebrow area with scanty hair growth are the ideal candidates.


  • Active infection (shingles/ boils) over the eyebrow area.
  • Skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, unstable vitiligo
  • Allergy to ink
  • People on certain medications like isotretinoin, blood thinners (Aspirin, Clopidogrel), supplements etc., should inform the doctor before the procedure.
  • Better to avoid microblading if you have undergone facial or peels within a week.

What are the side effects?

It’s relatively a safe procedure and always selects centres with good experience and expertise. Tenderness, redness and minimal crusting over the treated area are expected changes.

But sometimes other untoward effects can happen such as;

  • Site Infection
  • Allergic reactions
  • Scarring
  • Loss of normal eyebrow hairs
  • Unnatural looking eyebrows

Points to keep in mind!

  • Avoid tweezing, waxing, or electrolysis 7-10 days before the procedure.
  • Better avoid facial or peels ten days before the microblading.
  • Do not wax your eyebrows 2-3 days before the procedure.
  • If you had undergone botulinum toxin injection over the forehead or near the eyes, wait for 3-4 weeks.
  • Avoid facials, peels or botulinum toxin injection for 4weeks after the procedure.
  • Do not swim for ten days after the procedure.
  • Don’t apply make-up over the eyebrows for a week.