Varicose vein with Endovenous laser therapy

Varicose veins are formed as a consequence of incompetent valves in one or more veins of the legs. Until recently, the best way to treat them was by surgery (either tying the vein orStripping)

Over the last few years, surgery has been replaced by endovenous thermal ablation (ELA).
Endovenous laser ablation is a minimally invasive procedure done in a physician’s clinic and does not require hospitalization. With a high success ratio and lesser complication rates, ELA is done under local anesthesia usually taking about 45-90 minutes & requires no temporary sedation.At Dr.ThajLaser Skin Hair Clinic, we use the latest state-of –the art diode laser with radial fiber for a pain-free,safe and rapid treatment of varicose veins.


Endovenous Thermal Ablation is done by delivering adequate thermal energy to the wall of ainoperable vein to produce irreversible occlusion, fibrosis and ultimately disappearance of the vein. This process is well adapted by many physicians across the world because of its flexibility in safely ablating small saphenous veins, anterior, posterior, superficial accessory branches of great saphenous vein, anterior and posterior circumflex veins of the thigh and vein of Giacomini. Indications

Symptoms affecting daily activities

  • Aching
  • Throbbing
  • Heaviness
  • Fatigue
  • Restlessness
  • Night cramps
  • Pruritus
  • Spontaneous hemorrhage

Skin changes associated with chronic venous hypertension

  • Corona phlebectasia, eczema, and pigmentation
  • Lipodermatosclerosis
  • Atrophie blanche
  • Healed or active ulceration
  • Edema
  • Superficial phlebitis (SVT) in varicose veins

Anatomical indications

  • Significant reflux documented on DUS examination (reflux >0.5 seconds)
  • Straight vein segment
  • Reflux responsible for venous hypertension leading to the clinical abnormalities
  • Intrafascial or epifascial vein segment meeting other anatomical criteria that can be pushed away from the skin with tumescent anesthetic

Ambulatory patient without contraindication

Cosmetic (restorative) concerns